Aesthetic face treatment
Dermal Fillers are a safe and affordable injectable treatment that contains hyaluronic acid, a sugar molecule found naturally in the body. With age, we see a less firm appearance, wrinkles, and loss of lift and structure. At W Plastic Surgery, Dr. Sarah and Vanessa Wong use Dermal Fillers to counteract these aging effects. This treatment can create an authentic look with exceptionally long-lasting results by smoothing out lines and wrinkles, replacing lost volume, and restoring your facial shape.

How it works

Fillers work by replacing the skin’s natural supply of hyaluronic acid. They can also be injected to enhance desired features with volume. When necessary, a topical numbing cream is used before injection of the Filler just below the skin. Dr. Sarah and Vanessa Wong will choose the proper injection technique and product depending on the area and the result you wish to achieve. For example, Filler used to define the chin and jawline will be administered with a thicker product and longer needle, whereas the product for the lip will be softer and less dense. This strategic injecting method is used all over the face after carefully assessing your needs.
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Loss of volume
in the cheekbones

Perioral wrinkles
Marionette lines
Receding chin
Frown lines
Dorsal hump
Nasolabial folds

Treatment Areas

Throughout 20+ years in aesthetic plastic surgery, Dr. Sarah and Dr. Vanessa Wong have always been passionate about using their skills to impart a lasting, positive impact on the lives of their patients. With a feminine vision and understanding, they bring unique compassion and empathy to every procedure they perform.


When do you see the results?

Dermal filler injections are noticeable immediately! Patients can see reduced lines and wrinkles, improved facial symmetry, more volume in desired areas and an overall youthful, lifted appearance. The natural look of your features will remain intact yet enhanced in definition and contour. Depending on the product and area injected, your refreshed appearance will be noticed for 6-12 months.