Restore a youthful appearance!
There is no better feeling than having a rejuvenated, youthful look. The natural aging process can leave us wishing we could turn back the clock, especially on the face and neck. Fortunately, Dr. Sarah and Vanessa Wong at W Plastic Surgery can do just that with face and neck lift surgery, a procedure to relieve signs of ageing, such as jowls, deep folds, and double chin.

Could this procedure be
right for you?

A W Plastic Surgery consultation is the best way to determine if you are a good candidate for Face and Neck Lift. Ideal candidates are unhappy with the way their faces and neck are aging and wish to restore a more youthful and lifted appearance. These patients often see sagging of the cheeks and skin around the mouth and nose, deep lines and folds, and laxity in the skin of the neck that gives an aged appearance. It is essential that patients are non-smokers and in generally good health before surgery.

How is this procedure performed?

During a face and neck lift surgery, Dr. Sarah and Vanessa Wong will create discrete incisions to reduce the extra skin and lift/reposition the underlying tissues.

Incisions are made in the temple area and around the crease at the front of the ear. The face’s skin, muscle and fat pads are lifted upwards and tightened. During this process, any excess is removed before suturing the skin back into position.

It is very common to combine a Neck Lift with Face Lift surgery. The process is very similar and requires slightly longer incisions behind the ear. For some patients, an incision can be made just under the chin, and liposuction can be performed to remove excess fat from the area. The muscles and skin of the neck are lifted before being sutured into a higher position.

Throughout 20+ years in aesthetic plastic surgery, Dr. Sarah and Dr. Vanessa Wong have always been passionate about using their skills to impart a lasting, positive impact on the lives of their patients. With a feminine vision and understanding, they bring unique compassion and empathy to every procedure they perform.


When do you see the results?

Following your Face and Neck Lift surgery, you will see smoother skin, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and a more rejuvenated, youthful appearance. Since the tissues of the face and neck are elevated along your facial contours, the results are exquisite and natural. Friends and colleagues may notice a more radiant appearance but won’t be able to tell you why.