Restore the appearance of your breasts
Many men and women experience sagging upper arms due to weight fluctuations, the natural aging process, and genetics. This can affect your body confidence and self-esteem and cause functional issues when looking for clothing or chafing when exercising. Fortunately, at W Plastic Surgery, we offer Arm Lift Surgery to address excess skin and create a smooth and slender contour.

Could this procedure be
right for you?

A consultation at W Plastic Surgery is the best way to determine if you are a good candidate for breast lift surgery. During your consultation, our surgeons provide information and guidance as you discuss the changes you want to see in your breasts. Breast lift candidates are often comfortable with the size of their breasts but are experiencing sagging or drooping that is causing distress, discomfort, or lack of confidence. These patients usually wish to restore a more upward projection, as the nipple and some breast tissue have fallen below the breast fold or crease.

How is this procedure performed?

A breast lift is an operation that will remove extra skin from the breasts using various techniques and incisions. When the skin is removed and sutured into a more pleasing position, the breast tissue becomes lifted and reshaped. The method used for your surgery will depend mainly on your goals and assessment by Dr. Sarah and Vanessa Wong.

Periareolar lift

Also known as a “donut” lift, this breast lift incision is hidden around the areola and is excellent for candidates with minimal excess skin.

Vertical incision or “lollipop” lift

With this type of breast lift, the first incision is hidden around the areola and the second incision extends vertically down from the areola to the fold under the breast. This type of breast lift is best suited for patients with moderate breast sagging and excess skin. Inverted T lift This breast lift incision is also known as the “anchor” lift and runs around the areola, vertically from the areola to the breast crease, and along the breast crease. It is best suited for women with extensive sagging and excess skin.
Throughout 20+ years in aesthetic plastic surgery, Dr. Sarah and Dr. Vanessa Wong have always been passionate about using their skills to impart a lasting, positive impact on the lives of their patients. With a feminine vision and understanding, they bring unique compassion and empathy to every procedure they perform.


When do you see the results?

Breast lift results can be seen immediately after surgery and will continue to improve over your recovery. Patients are happy with the final results that restore the perky appearance and higher position of their breasts. With regained body confidence and self-esteem, patients also find their clothing fits better around their chest. Although bra size does not usually change unless an adjustment has been made to your volume (augmentation or reduction), you may need to buy bras of a different cup size or shape.